
Compartilhando Trabalho de Pesquisa

Quem acompanha meu trabalho sabe que sou pesquisadora no campo da moda, sujeito e suas produções no coletivo. Na última sexta-feira minha colega Michele Medrado apresentou texto nosso em evento na UCLA. 

Segue aqui fragmento de nosso paper que penso ser muito pertinente a visualização no dia de hoje que, para quem não sabe, é aniversário de uma tragédia: o desabamento de um edificio chamado Rana Plaza em Bangadesh onde fucionavam facções de produção da indústria textil. Foram 1129 mortos. 

Today April 24th is “Fashion Revolution Day”, what to observe?
Clothes and textiles are things that more than covering our bodies or helping us to negotiate or social positions and establish relationships; They can lead to distinct politics of space, nations and social realities, all tangled in a web of meanings whose visual expression circulates globally manifesting symbolic power and violence. On April 24 of 2013 Rana Plaza’s factory building collapsed and approximately 1,129 (a thousand hundred twenty nine workers died). Images of the tragedy circulated worldwide showing that sweatshop is an imperative kind of labor environment on the contemporary garment industry production.
Today is a day to remember each women's workerswomen's workers that bring their kids to the workplace and teenagers that sewed our entire wardrobe overseas working in dirty places, over 10-14 hours and earning an average of $ 100 monthly. It is the day to improve and sometimes rethink sustainable fashion practices, to realize the consumer role and the consumer society. It is the day to boost, and expand critics ideas of ephemerality, to enhance transformations of the fashion productive system acknowledging thatclothing is not only as a object with market value. Clothing are project of values, whose transnational relations among producers, distributors and consumers are marked by alienation and fragmentation. If we are looking for a revolution we must think on the women’s workers.

Segue link do evento para quem quiser saber mais. 

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